SEI Spring Chopper Maintenance Clinics

Properly processing corn silage is critical for today’s modern dairy business. Dairy producers and custom harvest crews alike understand the importance of chopping at the right time with the right machine to harvest their feed potential at the highest level for the entire year. As your partner on the job, Swiderski Equipment is committed to ensuring our customers can maximize their harvest season through proper machine maintenance and set-up, as well as arm our customers with the latest information and technology for a successful chopping season. Our spring Forage Harvester Maintenance Clinics set out to accomplish those exact goals, hosting two days of interactive presentations and hands-on demonstrations from Team Swiderski Specialists and outside experts.

The clinics were held Wednesday, March 21 at Matsche Farms, Birnamwood and Thursday, March 22 at Bach Farms, Dorchester. Attendees learned tips and keys to minimize downtime during chopping season and maximize forage quality with proper maintenance both in-season and during the off-season. Parts and lubricant specialists shared information on how utilizing New Holland brand parts can increase machine performance and positively affect warranty coverage while maintaining higher resale values. Participants also heard from experts on how NIR technology is improving in-field data collected and how this technology can be integrated into their operations for faster decision making and improved feed quality.

With studies showing a conservative increase of 2 pounds or more per cow per day of milk production resulting from an increase in kernel processing scores, producers must do what they can to control variables during chopping. Not only does improving feed quality correlate directly to revenue in the bulk tank, but proper maintenance can lower or minimize costly repair bills. Less downtime means less money lost to potential machines and trucks standing still and employees unable to work. Regular maintenance results in better resale values on machines as well. Let Team Swiderski help you improve your bottom line with proper machine maintenance, set-up and technology during chopping this season!

Special thanks to the families and crew at both Matsche Farms and Bach Farms for hosting and helping making both days a huge success!

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